Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Brainstorming tips

The brainstorm is often perceived as the Holy Grail for answering all questions that arise in business. But did you know there are right and wrong ways to brainstorm? An unfocused brainstorming session can be nothing but a waste of time but conducted properly, brainstorming can have huge benefits. Here are some tips for a productive brainstorming session.

  1. Separate your thinking. Creative thinking and critical thinking use different parts of the brain. Don't put your brain under more pressure than it needs by constantly switching from the right brain centre of creativity and imagination to the stricter left-brain centre of critical and analytical thinking. Do the creative thinking in one sitting, take a break, and then choose the best options. Make lists - then make choices.
  2. Suspend judgement. Following on from point 1, if it's so important to separate creative and critical thinking, it follows that while you are brainstorming for ideas that the critic is kept in the background. So suspend judgement on ideas - no criticism at all. When people criticise ideas they block the flow. Imagine the situation where an idea is put forward and immediately someone tells you why it won't work. Not only does that put a negative blanket on proceedings, it also subdues people into not wanting to put their ideas forward for fear of criticism. It's also important to avoid telling people how wonderful their idea was. Doing so inevitably leads to more similar ideas coming forward and therefore can stifle creativity. It can also suppress ideas from others. They may have had a great idea and were just about to put it forward when another idea is heaped with praise. They then reason that their idea was probably not in the same league so don't put it forward. Lost ideas are a tragedy! This introduces the third form of critic - self-judgement. Individuals in brainstorming sessions often see others as being better able to come up with ideas so don't put their own forward for fear of ridicule.
  3. Build on ideas. Some great ideas often come along when a 'theme' of ideas gathers momentum. Somebody may mention 'direction signs' as an idea. Then the theme continues around signs, such as warning signs, warning labels, sticky labels, coloured labels, coloured packaging, flavoured packaging, etc... And so it goes. As soon as the theme runs dry move on to something else.
  4. Seek out the 'wild ideas'. Some of the greatest solutions ever have come about as a result of the crazy, wild ideas that have surfaced in brainstorming sessions. A colleague was working with a glassware company. Glasses were wrapped in newspaper, inserted in a card sleeve and packed into a box. The problem was that people on the packing bench would frequently stop to read the articles in the newspaper! Productivity was on the way down. In the brainstorming session designed to find a solution, the wild idea came from an exasperated participant who suggested that they should "Poke their eyes out!" Maybe not the best idea as it stands!? But what is the underlying principle? What's 'up'? The 'up' here is, "how can we stop them from seeing". A few options were considered before someone suggested employing people who might be vision impaired. And that is exactly what the company did. And they gained more than they anticipated. Not only did the new recruits not stop to read the paper, their improved tactile ability reduced breakages and the company received some very positive PR as a result of employing people who were finding it difficult to get work.
  5. Go for quantity. The more ideas you have the more likely you are to find a good one! Really strive for as many ideas as possible, and remember not to judge along the way. Limit your brainstorming sessions to just four minutes. Yes - four minutes only. Your brain is just like a muscle. If you went to the gym you would typically lift a certain weight perhaps 12 times. You couldn't keep lifting it up and down for an hour. In exactly the same way, your brain can't keep brainstorming for an hour either.
  6. Be clear what you are brainstorming about. In particular, don't just brainstorm on possible solutions. Before you get to solutions it's best to brainstorm first on 'what's the issue?' then follow up with 'what's the ideal future?' - and then finally on to solutions. Through this entire process, make sure you keep the thinking separate; creative then critical, make lists then make choices.

If you follow these principles the quality of your brainstorming sessions is just bound to improve. You will come up with a lot more ideas and have more to choose from. And you'll save a lot of time into the bargain.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Economic Downturn - is the left to blame?

Having read the headline you may be expecting a party political broadside fired at the Labour Party! Sorry to disappoint you – we’re talking brains, not political affiliation.

The left side of the brain is responsible for objective analysis and rational thought, is focused on facts, figures, and the bottom line. It likes to be seen as leader of the pack, the most important part of the brain and the only ‘proper’ way of seeing the World. Left-brain thinkers are achievers, aspire to greatness and enjoy the trimmings of success; the prestige car, flying at the ‘pointy-end’ of the plane, large house and lots of money. Personal success is highly important. They are generally impatient and once they have made up their mind about the ‘right way’ nothing will stop them.

Left-brain thinkers are vastly over-represented in senior management positions, in all forms of parliament and in particular on the front bench of every parliament in the World. We are also clearly focused on creating more left brainers, because virtually every education system in the World has a clear priority to teach left brain subjects in a left-brain style of teaching; maths, science, engineering and IT come to mind.

But it’s not all negative; we definitely need left-brain thinkers. Without them, tasks rarely get finished, we don’t focus on the outcomes and everywhere is untidy! Left-brain thinkers are great at dotting the eyes and crossing the tees, balancing the books and making mechanical things work properly.

So why all the negative comment about the left-brain thinkers?

The real problem is that because we have such a HUGE imbalance of left brain thinkers as heads of government, industry, commerce and education, all the odds are stacked against finding new and better ways of working and doing business. Left-brain thinkers keep on doing the same old thing and following the same old processes. They have a firm view of what’s right and what’s wrong.

They would say that it is totally wrong to have a 2-year-old child in the Senate, even for a few moments! (Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young had her two-year-old daughter sent out of the house at vote time by the Senate President John Hogg)

So what would be the difference if we had more right brained people in the lead? Well, children in the workplace would not be a problem for a start. Many of the more progressive (left brainers – please Google progressive…) organisations have crèches for children of pre-school age open all the time people are at work.

Organisations like Apple and Google have amazing workplaces, with highly paid staff enjoying free snacks any time they feel peckish, taking their pets to work, having snooker tables and games to play at any time they need to switch off, and easy chairs dotted around the place for relaxing, dreaming and thinking. (Pause for left brainers to go tut tut tut…)

But please, stop ‘tutting’ just for a minute and look at something from your side of the brain, the balance sheet and profit and loss account! Organisations that are employing such ‘ridiculous’ work practices are actually performing better than conventional organisations in most cases!

So let’s put the record straight… Left brainers? We need you! We desperately need you for your objective and organised and analytical and critical thinking skills. But we also need you to fully recognise that you can’t do it all on your own! In fact if you try to, we’ll get further into the mire and more and more workplaces will close, and more and more children will be educated to be just like you – and that’s not going to help in the future!

So what can the right brain offer you? We have better social skills, we are more empathetic, we are better at negotiating and we have well-paid and enthusiastic people working in an enjoyable environment. It might be messy and casual, but it sure is fun too!

We can find hundreds and hundreds of ideas around any of the issues faced by any business, government and education establishment in existence today – but of course we never get invited in by the lefties. And on our own we wouldn’t be able to implement much – so we would need the lefties help to do that. We acknowledge you are better in that area than we are.

If we put our collective minds to it we could put an end to poverty, recover the climate change fiasco and find a way to stop 30,000 children dying in Africa from preventable diseases every day. We could reduce crime, domestic violence, depression and mental illness. Youth suicide could drop dramatically, and we could find a way of reducing the drug trade.

However (do I hear another tut…?) there is a price to pay, and it’s going to be the left-brain people who pay the most. You’re going to have to take a pay cut. You’ll have to reduce your insatiable demand for things that don’t matter, like fine cars, expense accounts, pointy-end flying, and multi-million dollar payouts when you stuff up the organisation and make hundreds lose their jobs.

And here’s a wild idea to get you thinking! Next time you fly somewhere on business, swap the business class seat for a trip in economy. That will give you some real opportunities. For a start you can meet some different people and find out how they think, and secondly, you could donate the price difference to a charity of your choice and make a real difference to people’s lives. You might even SAVE a life!

So there are plenty of potential solutions around to all the World’s problems, including of course the issue of the economic downturn in Australia. But we can only do it together. On our own, right brainers can’t get things done. On your own, left brainers can’t see creative solutions. You got us into the mess; it will take both of us to get us out.

Together we can discover the ideas, make them workable, and make it happen. So how about a partnership?

Have fun, whichever brain you live in...!


Creativity Oz - Postponed till 2011

Hi folks

Every now and then we find decisions that are really, really hard to make - especially when the heart is saying one thing and the head saying another.

Over the past two weeks we've spent a lot of time talking to clients, potential sponsors, and other organisations about Creativity Oz and the state of the World right now. The bottom line is that whilst everyone I've spoken to thinks the idea of Creativity Oz is just wonderful, the number of people able to commit any support in the form of sponsorship or even attendance is remarkably low.

So we've decided to postpone Creativity Oz for one year.

There are a number of factors involved...

  • As I've mentioned above, unless the economy changes radically for the better we will be hard pushed to find the numbers. Many of the people we have spoken to are pretty 'deep' inside the finance sector and whilst there is a level of upbeat about some of the published news, the inside story is just the opposite.
  • There are quite a few people who have promised to come from overseas. Our reckoning is that up to half of the participants are likely to fly in. This has a number of responsibilities attached - our responsibilities I feel. I really want to avoid people buying best-value non-refundable airfares for an event that might need to be cancelled after they buy the tickets. A bit negative I hear you say... But alongside the financial issues there is the swine flu issue which it seems is largely unknown. And although mild at the moment, mutation is considered by many experts to be on the cards, and it might be this which has a bigger effect on attendance than travel issues and the economy. It's largely unknown I agree. We have been told it's even possible that we could find international events, and even large national gatherings, banned if a wider and more virulent strain of flu is encountered.
  • Because this is a 'first' for Australia, a fizzer would be the worst possible outcome! We must make sure the first event goes with a bang, that we get all those wonderful international presenters that we are relying on so much, and that we get the widest appropriate exposure to the event - and that it is reported as success.

So - I think it has to be 2011. I would rather postpone early than wait and see. Obviously I'm aware that we could end up in Feb. 2010 and everything is sunshine and light - no flu, economic recovery, growth rates up and more people in work, with budgets ready to be spent on our kind of stuff! That would be annoying I guess, but won't damage anyone else. The risk of going ahead now, and events taking place that would seriously inconvenience people and cost them money, is a much bigger risk and I don't feel comfortable in doing that.

As all of you have given such sensational support to the idea and have helped in so many ways I wanted to let you know first before we sent out an email to everyone else. In the next e-News we send out from the Thinking Network I will acknowledge that support fully.

In particular I would like to thank Brendan for putting in hours and hours of work on the Creativity Oz website - it really is shaping up to be a treasure. I would also like to thanks Brendan's friend Ben - who incidentally I still haven't met! Ben - the logo you designed is just outstanding! Thanks so much for the time and effort you put into this. And Sally - thanks for agreeing to run with the PR for the event, we couldn't possibly have found anyone better suited to this task.

To everyone else - if you're looking for a web guru, a sensational graphic designer and a PR person who can walk on water - these are the people to go to. Please support them if you have an opportunity. Just ask me for their email address.

All the best


Monday, May 25, 2009

Pay what you think it's worth!



In a ground-breaking step Melbourne-based business improvement and Productive Thinking consultancy, The Thinking Network, has offered 'pay what you think it's worth' terms to selected customers.

The concept has existed for some time in the restaurant business with Melbourne eatery, Lentil As Anything, operating in this manner since 2000, and a number of other restaurants in Australia and elsewhere following suit in recent times, in response to the global financial crisis.  Hairdressers and other consumer product and service providers have also begun adopting the model but The Thinking Network is pioneering the concept in the business-to-business arena.

The Thinking Network will undertake a Productive Thinking program for a fee determined by the client once the activity has been undertaken.

"The idea is based around picking and agreeing upon a key issue of concern to the business right now.

Then the client will choose a small group of people to work on the issue and allow them time from their normal duties to do so.  We agree on a rough timeframe, then get to work.  We take the group through the Productive Thinking process, from identifying the 'real' issue to having a well qualified solution ready for implementation.  The solutions will typically include a proposed action plan and a picture of likely benefits and costs.

The decision to implement any or all of the solutions is up to the organisation and it's at this point that they'll be asked to decide what they think the solution is - or might be - worth to the organisation.  Then they decide what to pay us," tells The Thinking Network CEO, Ken Wall.

Whilst the offer is very much a pilot program at this stage, with no more than six clients being offered the opportunity to take part, Ken will consider rolling it out in a more permanent and openly available manner pending the results of the pilot.

"We are demonstrating our faith in the Productive Thinking model and the facilitation skills of our consultants," says Ken, "And our clients are being given the opportunity to solve a thorny issue in a time in which there are many of them!"

Friday, May 15, 2009

Future jobs - what job would YOU like?

It has often been said that in a few years time a whole pile of jobs will exist that don’t exist today.  The only thing that changes is the number.  So I thought it might be worth looking at what jobs exist today that weren’t around a few years ago. 

It seems that a lot of them have to do with changing technology.  We didn’t have an iPhone maintenance guy 2 years ago.  There was nobody around to fix ‘twitter’.  We didn’t need employment agencies for out-of-work financial analysts! 

As I was looking through the list I wondered, which of those ‘new’ jobs would I like to have a go at. 

Then it hit me – I would love to be the guy that sets up the telephone numbers.  No – not the numbers you dial to get Aunty Betty on the phone and wish her happy birthday.  I want to be the guy that sets up that whole list of numbers that you have to press AFTER you have made the phone call! 

You know the story.  You have to start with the phrase, “Please listen carefully to the whole menu as numbers may have changed since your last call”.  Press 1 for sales, press 2 for service, press 3 for technical support, press 4 for complaints, press 5 to speak to a customer service operative and press 8 to hear the menu again.  If it were me I’d use bigger numbers and have longer lists, however… 

Then you get to choose from the ‘secondary menu’ – I know that’s what it’s called cos I looked it up!  The secondary menu is where the ‘choose a number’ technician could really go to town. 

Imagine you’ve just pressed 2 for service; the options are now endless...!  If your enquiry is about the model 347CDR-34 press 1, if your product was purchased after April 2008 press 2, if you know the extension number of the person you wish to speak to press 3 followed by the 7 digit extension number followed by the hash key, if you are phoning from Australia press 6, if your call is being routed through the Torsion Phase Eliminator, press 7, if you wish to return to the main menu press 9 otherwise stay on the line.  If you like the music press 4, if you would like to order the CD press 5 provided that you have your credit card number entered into the pre-selection audiophile receptor channel. 

Then we have the tertiary number choice menu – but you get the picture by now… 

The extra clever part of the system actually would involve a system of customer service operatives.  We would have to call them that because we wouldn’t be able to find any humans.

 I decided to program the system so that on a random keypunch the customers would find themselves speaking to the CSO (Acronyms are important here – we really need to create some more). 

Regardless of progress, the CSO would be supplied with a series of simple key phrases like “I need your help”, or “This item doesn’t work properly” or even “I’m really getting desperate…”  Whenever the CSO hears these words from the customer they are instructed to pass the customer on to another CSO, who is equally incapable of solving the problem, but who may succeed in getting the customer to hang up. 

Then comes the cruncher – I love this bit!  After I’ve set it up so that the customer has to go through AT LEAST the three levels and can only do so successfully by going back twice, (that’s a minimum of 14 keystrokes, 3 CSOs and no progress towards a solution) I would program the system so that every number the customer hits on the fourth time around the system will automatically take them back to level 1 – that’s it, the main menu!  Brilliant! I could have the silly customers going round and round in circles for hours!

 I resolved to learn how to do the programming and look for a job as a ‘choose a number’ technician, only I would turn out to be the maverick, wreaking havoc and confusion on the customer and causing an endless stream of customer complaints. 

It was then that the bottom fell out of my World.  I rang my bank, only to discover that they had already got the system in place.  The maverick role had been taken…


Monday, May 11, 2009

Positive News Only Day - Did it work?

Yesterday 10 May was Mother's Day in many parts of the World. That was certainly the case here in Oz! It was also the first 'Positive News Only Day' on twitter.  The original idea came from Kneale Mann (Twitter address #knealemann).  Many people started promoting the idea over the past week or so.  If you are a twitter user take a look at #gnod.  You'll see thousands of posts and it's pretty well impossible to work out how many people heard about the idea.

Was it worth it?  Well, I'm thinking that if just ONE person was able to give some good news it may have made a difference to them.  And if just ONE person was on the receiving end then that's pretty good too.  A lot of effort just to make one person happy?  Not if you're the one...!

But my guess is that it might have made a lot more people just a little but happier.  Let's hope so! And just because it's 11 May now doesn't mean we all have to get grumpy again!  Good news is, well... Good news!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Creativity Conference - Australia

The VERY FIRST Creativity Conference to be held in Australia will be in Ballarat from 11-14 February 2010.  Sponsored by the Thinking Network, over twenty leading International specialists in all forms of creativity, innovation and change have promised to run sessions at the conference. 

Creativity Oz will be modelled on the lines of the highly successful ACRE Creativity Conference in South africa, the Mindcamp Conference in Toronto, and the CREA conference in Europe.  A full range of interactive and participative workshops will be interspersed with keynote sessions from the World's best speakers.

More blogs will follow as the organisation of the event gains momentum.  We are establishing a new website for the conference to give up-to-the-minute news as the program develops.  Stay tuned for updates - and please leave a comment or send us an email with your interests and ideas to make the conference a huge success.  Look forward to seeing you there!

Ken and Co. at the Thinking Network.


Kneale Mann has had this wonderful idea that we should have a 'positive news only' day on twitter.  The suggestion is to put aside all the quotes, links, advice, self-promotion and grumpy posts.  Just for one day - and the day is Sunday 10 May.

Take a look at Kneales blog...

And while we are being positive on twitter, why not apply the same philosophy to anything you might post on any other social media pages?

And better still - how about a wonderfully positive response on the day to everyone IN PERSON? Not just your loved ones, but be positive to the grumpy guy, the person in front of you in the checkout queue that's a bit slow, your dog when you take him for a walk - even the driver that cuts you up on the freeway!

And if you're not on twitter?  Join up before the 10th May - and spread some sunshine!  Remember it's MOTHER'S DAY in Australia!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Don’t start a think tank without thinkers!

Think Tanks are all the rage!  Maybe it all started with Kevin Rudd’s 2020 Summit? 

Mr. Rudd asked 1,000 of Australia's top brains to map out strategies for the future at a '2020 Summit' in Canberra on 19-20 April 2008.  The results were published a year later.  962 ideas put forward resulted in nine proposals being given the green light by the Federal Government.  Was this value for money, and what can we learn from the experience? 

Proposals included a new ABC TV channel for children, research into a bionic eye, formation of a volunteer civilian force to deal with regional emergencies, a review of the tax system, a review of how the states and territories work together, a carbon pollution reduction scheme, a student scholarships award scheme, building an indigenous cultural centre and creating a white paper on homelessness.  Further initiatives include the broadband network, initiatives to help business and developing relationships with schools. 

But what if we had asked the same questions of group of people chosen at random?  Say the next ten people in a queue at the supermarket?  What proposal would they have put forward?  They may have missed out on the bionic eye, of course, that’s a bit specialized, but the rest?  My guess is they would have probably covered them all.  So was the think tank value for money?

 A more important question of course could be is there a better way to run a think tank in the future?  Surely we should expect much more from ‘the Country’s leading thinkers’?  So what might be possible? 

The Kevin Rudd experience in April 2008 can perhaps be seen as a giant version of a familiar scenario that happens in many organisations around Australia every day.  Groups of people gather together in the same room with an issue in mind and the intention of ‘brainstorming’ for the best solution. 

When the participants have been through some effective training in productive thinking the results are often spectacular.  Some great ideas have emerged and have produced amazing improvements in performance.  Delivery times cut in half, cost of production halved, huge slabs of time saved, and in the present economic climate, jobs and organisations could be saved too!

 But if the brainstormers haven’t been taught thinking skills, the results are typically disappointing.  They rely on one process and get limited results.  The outcomes are often a statement – and frequent re-statement – of opinion, and a reflection of ‘what we do around here’ married to vested interest.  Ideas re judged as soon as they appear, which suppresses any genuine creative thought.  Suggest anything radical and it’s put down as ‘too risky’. 

So why don’t we teach thinking skills?  Maybe because everyone thinks they can think?  And of course they can, but in how many different ways?  How many creative thinking strategies have you learned?  How about critical thinking?  But we know you can’t solve 21st century problems with 20th century thinking.  We know that the thinking that got us to where we are isn’t going to be the best thinking to get us into the future.  The thinking that created the current recession is certainly not going to be a suitable form of thinking for recovery!

 Perhaps one of the main reasons behind this lack of training in thinking skills is the view that ‘thinking’ is seen as a soft skill.  Soft skills are often considered as optional extras.  The hard skills like ‘knowing’ things take precedent.  But we didn’t ‘know’ the recession was coming.  And maybe we don’t ‘know’ how to recover?  Do we know how to cure poverty?  Do we know how to prevent terrorism?  Do we know how to maintain a healthy planet? 

So if knowing things is not enough, thinking becomes the only option; it’s not a luxury item any more.  And if that’s the case we MUST teach thinking skills at every opportunity; in schools, colleges, university, the workplace and the family. 

And as far as Think Tanks are concerned we really must teach the participants productive thinking skills, models, tools techniques and processes.  Then we have a much better chance of having a real ‘value for money’ think tank with the potential to come up with more options and better ideas.  And to extend the thinking beyond ‘what’ needs to happen, to include why it’s a good idea and how we might go about it. 

Let’s put the ‘think’ back into think tank.  Opinion tanks are a waste of time.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Creativity through connections

This is an amazing dedication to creatively using what already exists!  There should be no downturn or layoffs or bankruptcy if we could get half as much creativity into the business world!

Think about it - share it - do it!  How could we apply the principle in business? In education?  In government?  International trade?  How about putting an end to poverty?  Is there anyone or any organisation who WOULDN'T be better off if they could make connections, synthesise like this?  Love to hear your thoughts...


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Lovely quote from Phil McCreight via twitter...

He that will not apply new remedies must expect new evils; for time is the greatest innovator. ~Francis Bacon, "On Innovation," Essays

Sky Business News

Well, my first live TV appearance!  A little scary sitting in the tiny remote studio in Melbourne with the host and main studio in Sydney.  All I could see was me on the monitor and the TV camera in front...  No picture of the host and interviewer so absolutely no body language cues - bit like speaking on the phone to a stranger.  

But it seemed to go well I think.  And Sally was happy too!

Who is Sally I hear you ask?  Sally Urquhart is the CEO of littleBIG Marketing and PR, a boutique agency based in Melbourne.  So if anyone is looking for an amazingly brilliant PR person, give Sally a call or send an email to

The main point of the conversation on Sky Business was how could Productive Thinking provide a potential upside in the downturn.  Sky Business have a segment called 'upside' on their morning show everyday.   We focused on how PT provides a better understanding of exactly what is going on and what the future could possibly look like BEFORE we start looking for solutions.  Rather than look for the 'one right answer' we need to open up and widen the search for what's REALLY going on.  I suggested that asking the guy in the warehouse and the waiter and the shop assistant was going to provide more immediate feedback than waiting for the financial analysis!

The warehouse guy knows he hasn't despatched much in the past two days, the waiter knows how many covers have been served and the shop assistant knows right there and then how many people have been into the shop and what the customer thinks of the goods.  The key role for the CEO should be to get up and go look.  The principle from there was to teach everyone some productive thinking skills before you needed to lay them off.  If the learn to think, discover new and better ways of doing business and making customers deliriously happy - maybe you won't need to lay them off at all?

How is it possible that organisations can go into receivership with the entire staff made redundant, with it all coming as a surprise to the staff, the distributors knowing nothing about it, the franchisees not being aware of a problem, and customers paying deposits on goods THE DAY BEFORE the company went down?  Why didn't they know?  And why were they not involved in looking for potential solutions?  What if they had productive thinking skills?  What if they had seen the early warning signs a year ago?  What if they had changed the way they do business?  What if they had halved costs?  What if they sold twice as much?

Wishful thinking?  Maybe, but we'll never know...

What we do know is that staff, distributors and franchisees were clearly not involved, they were not asked to think, and they are now all out of a job in the middle of a recession.  Let's hope they soon find a progressive employer.  Good luck to all concerned.

Just a thought - look forward to comments!

Have a fun day


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sky Business News

Sky Business News have confirmed a spot on their 'Upside' segment for 9.45 am tomorrow, 15 April, Aussie Eastern time.  Looks like all their interview segments are about 4-5 minutes...  The focus should be on Productive Thinking, what are the barriers and why we need it - how much can you say in 5 minutes?  Another new experience though - wonder what I'll be saying about it after the event?

Friday, April 10, 2009

The heading on this new blog was designed by Brendan. You can see more of what he does at

He’s also put together our website, twitter page, Ning site and linked them all to our new website at

That should go up at the weekend hopefully and then - off we go.  Blogging, webbing and twittering all over the place!

This is our brand new blog about thinking and why we need to think more, and worry about knowing stuff a lot less!  You can share knowing easily.  If I tell you everything I know I still know it!  But if we get together to THINK…

Wow!  That’s when we make a big difference to ourselves, our loved ones and hopefully if enough people start thinking - to the World!

As I learn the technology (knowing things!) I’m hoping to keep posting some bits and pieces that will help the thinking process.  

Where does play fit in?  Well…

If you’re playing you’re more likely to be thinking.  And much less likely to be worrying.  Some come play and think! 

Simple thinking test

That's right - the idea is to see if you are a simple thinker...

Good luck - and no cheating!

OK. Pay close attention. Here is a very simple little test comprised of four easy question to determine the level of your intellect. See if you have what it takes to be considered smart.

Your replies must be spontaneous and immediate, with no deliberating or wasting of time . and PLEASE no cheating!

On your mark, get set, GO!

1: You are competing in a race and overtake the runner in second place.
In which position are you now?

Answer: If you answered that you're now in first,
you're wrong!

You overtook the second runner and took his place, therefore you are now in second place.

For the next question please really concentrate...

2: If you overtake the last runner, what position are you now in?

Answer: If you answered second to last, you are wrong once again.

Think about it...
How can you overtake the person who is last? If you're behind them, they can't be last.You would have been last.

It would appear that your thinking is not at its best today.
Anyway, here's another question to try. Don't take any notes or use a calculator, and remember, your replies must be instantaneous.

3: Take 1000. Add 40. Add another 1000.
Add 30. 1000 again. Plus 20.
Plus 1000. And plus 10.
What is the total?

Answer: 5000?
Wrong again!

The correct answer is 4100.
Try again with good calculator.

OK - So maybe today is perhaps not your day, although you should manage to get the last question right...

4: Marie's father has five daughters:
1. Chacha
2. Cheche
3. Chichi
4. Chocho
5. ?

Question: What is the fifth daughter's name?
Think quickly... you'll find the answer below..

Answer: Chuchu?

It's obviously Marie!
Read the question properly.

You are clearly the weakest link.
Now challenge your friends!

Experimenting with photos...

The dogs - Georgie (left) and Murphy are anticipating a cold winter here in Melbourne.  Not that it ever gets that cold I guess...

Still paying with blogger - like the templates better than tumblrrrrr methinks?


This is a continuing experiment - a try at tumblr followed by this one - let's see how we go!  Ken